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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ramanuja Paduka Sparsha-Parakala Mutt 2013 Bangalore

The Ramanuja Padauka Sparsha Programme organised by Sri Tiru Swamy was grandly celebrated on June 5th 2013 at Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy Mutt,Blr in the August presence of Srimadh Abhinava Vagisha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy. Attached are few photos of the grand event.

Credits to Sri Tiru swamy and Sri Dwarakanath the photographer.

Thanks to Sripuram Srikanth for sharing wonderful photos in this blog.



  1. How do you prove that krishna is paripurna in vishistaadvaita?.....
    because krishna only said that he is paripurna in bhagavath geetha...

    but ,according to vishistaadvaita...we are brahman,at the same time ,we are not paripurna...similar case applies to,how is krishna paripurna in vishistaadvaita?

  2. How do you prove that krishna is paripurna in vishistaadvaita?.....
    because krishna only said that he is paripurna in bhagavath geetha...

    but ,according to vishistaadvaita...we are brahman,at the same time ,we are not paripurna...similar case applies to,how is krishna paripurna in vishistaadvaita?
