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Monday, January 28, 2013

Azagiyamanavalanin Thai month Brahmothsavam--- Booapthy Thirunaal First day of Utthsavam in Srirangam

Dear all,

My Saastanga Namaskaram to SriRanga Divya Thambathigal.

It gives me great pleasure to start our yet another series on the great Bhoopathy Thirunal that has started in our beloved  Bhooloka Vaikuntam.
he mere thought of a Srirangam brings to our mind our Lord Ranganatha and our heart and soul are filled with great bliss and joy. History unfolds at every foot of Srirangam, the great Rangasthala of our Azhagiya manavalan. It is the history of the Lord Himself and how he came to reside at Srirangam and the history of His disciples , the great Alwars who gave us the Tamil Vedas & the Divya Prabantham by way of saluting the Lord in this Divya Desa.
Several festivals are celebrated here with the objective of expressing our gratitude to the Lord with His Ubhaya Nachiyars  His two divine consorts, and to unite all His subjects as one family of Vaishnavites , the worshippers of Lord Vishnu, without any division.
The prime among the festivals is of course the Brahmotsavam, which is celebrated every year in the month of Thai (Makara Masa) for ten days. This is the time when the Lord , Rajadhiraja, the King of Kings himself goes out to meet his subjects, enquire about their welfare and shower His blessings on them. Every day morning and evening , He moves through the Uthara  streets with his Ubhaya Nachiyars , meeting his subjects and making sure all are happy and peaceful.,not only the residents of Srirangam for whom He is their Acharyan, guide, philosopher and friend  bhakthosi me, saka chethi" he tells them- you are not only my Bhakthas but also my friends.)

Today is the first day of the ten day long festival. Today starts with Dwajarohanam . Namperumal starts from sanctum sanctorum and reaches near the Dwajasthambam, the flag mast(Koadee padam), arriving at the Dwajarohana Mandapam at around 3.00 am.. The flag, Dwaja is adorned by the Peria Thiruvadi, Sri Garudalwar..The Dwajarohanam takes place from 4.45 am  Dhanur laganam  to 5.00 am. It is witnessed by Azhagiya Manavalan. The Archakar- priests- performing the festival have raksha bandhanam for 10 days. During this period the Lord stays in the Kannadi Mandapam- Room of Mirrors- only.
After Dwajarohanam , Nam Perumal   reaches kannadi mandapam at 8:00 am . The public darshan ,of the Lord with Sridevi and Bhoodevi is till  4:30 pm.Beridhadanam is done from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
Thereafter the , procession, starts. The Lord goes through the Utthra streets (6th prakaram) arriving at Chandana Mandapam near the sanctum sanctoram at 8:00pm. 
You may see the our Azagiyamanavalaninin Thiru mugham Face. He is looking very happy to see our all the people in Utthra streets peoples .

From there He leaves for Yaga Salai where  the  perform the Pancha Kunda Homa, after which Thirumanjanam  starts. The Lord goes to the Kannadi Mandapam at 12:30 am. Ubayanachiyars proceed to their Moola sthanam (Sanctum Sanctoram).
Vachaka dosham Kshamikavum (Apologies for any mistakes)
I pray to Azhagiya manavalan (Namperumal) and Ubayanachiyar (Sreedevi and Boodevi) to bless all with prosperity and happiness.
Narasimha  Bhattar 

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