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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jaganmohana Ranganatha Temple Madhya Rangam

Madhyarangam is around 140 kms from Bangalore. After reaching maddur on the Bangalore-Mysore Highway, take left to join the Maddur-Kollegal road. Travel via malavali and take left at Sathyagala Hand Post to reach the temple. Cauvery flows along from Sathyagalam to Madhyarangam and branches into 2 beautiful falls.

Shared by Sridhar, Bangalore

shared by Sridhar, Bangalore

The Shivanasamudra Falls is on the Kaveri River after the river has wound its way through the rocks and ravines of the Deccan Plateau and drops off to form waterfalls. The island town of Shivanasamudra divides the river into twin waterfalls. This creates the fourth largest island in the rivers course. A group of ancient temples are located here and there likely was a village.

This is a segmented waterfall. Segmented waterfalls occur where the water flow is broken into two or more channels before dropping over a cliff, resulting in multiple side by side waterfalls. It has an average width of 849 meters, a height of 90 m, and an average volume of 934 cubic meters / sec. The maximum recorded volume is 18,887 cubic meters / sec. It is a perennial waterfall. The time of best flow are the monsoon season of July to October.

A common misconception about these waterfalls are that the left segment is called Gaganachukki and the right segment is called Bharachukki. In reality the Bharachukki falls are a few kilometers to the south-west of the Gaganachukki falls. This is due to the Kaveri river itself splitting a few kilometers to the south into western and eastern branches. The western branch results in the twin waterfalls of Gaganachukki, whereas the eastern branch results in the Bharachukki falls. The Gaganachukki waterfalls are best viewed from the Shivanasamudra watch tower. Most of the pictures showing the twin waterfalls are taken from that location. There is another approach to the Gaganachukki falls from the Darga Hazrath Mardane Gaib. Despite warnings being posted, people climb down the rocks and attempt to view the waterfalls from behind/top, resulting in many fatal accidents. It is 139 km from the city of Bangalore.




  1. excellent photos tempting everyone to make a visit to these holy shrines thanks for sharing with others

  2. very nice. How far is it from Bangalore?

  3. Madhyarangam(shivanasamudram) is 140kms from bangalore. If you travel by car you have to reach maddur and take left to kollegal road. you will reach malavalli and sathyagalam. take left at sathyagalam and madhyarangam is less than 5kms. Also the gaganchukki and bharachukki falls comes after madhyarangam.

  4. I am Usha writing an article about Madhya Ranga temple Shivasamudram .I
    have a couple of queries. Hope you can answer them when you
    are free.
    I wanted to know if there are any lunch facilities in
    the temple for travelers.
    Also any contact numbers to talk with temple. I got the
    address from but contact numbers are not
    Also are there any rest rooms for elders providing water and
    toilet facility?

    1. Regarding Lunch: After noon lunch is served for devotees visiting d temple.
