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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Navagrahas worship

Srivaishnavas do not worship the navagrahas. Navagrahas are controlled by Lord Narayanan only. Each of these navagrahas have one incarnation of Lord Narayanan as their in-dweller. So if one worships this avathara, then the particular graha santhi is done.

graham----------- incarnation to worship
Suryan ----------- Lord Rama
Chandran--------- Lord Krishna
Kuja--------------- Nrusimha
Budan------------- Lord Venkateswara
Sukran----------- Parasuramar
Sani--------------- Kurmam
Rahu--------------- Varaha
Ketu----------------- Matsya

One can use appropriate DayA Satakam slokas to worship a particular incarnation. Swami Desika has very kindly given us this treasure.

shared byThirunarayan Embar

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