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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Volunteers required for, the wonderful Sri Vaishnava radio channel broadcasting Upanyasams, Divya Prabhandham recitations, Devotional Songs throughout the day requires volunteers. The requirement is to add even more features like Daily Sri Vaishnava News, Audio-Books for Divya Prabhandams and Vyakhyanms. The following are the details of the requirement.
  1. News Collectors who can collect information on Divyadesa utsavams, Sri Vaishnava events and other information from temples and other online, offline sources.
  2. Readers who can read News (in Tamil & English) and also the various Commentaries & Vyakhanams on Divya Prabhandams.
I humbly request everyone to put in whatever effort possible to help the wonderful effort become even more wonderful. Interested people please mail to

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