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Thursday, June 2, 2011


Sreemathe Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha
It is the second day today,01/06/2011. Celebrations for 77th Tirunakshatram of Sri Ranga Ramanuja Mahadesikan is under way in Bangalore Sripuram Andavan Ashramam.I have attached a few video clips taken on the occasion. His Holiness is performing Perumal and Paduka aradanams, Ashramam aradakar performing at Sri Venugopalan Sannathi,groups of veda pundits and Patasalai vidyarthees of are reciting all vedas very enthusistically . another group is reading grantha ithihasa paaraayanams.
It is here you will be actually seeing first hand, the success story of H.H. pet project of starting and nourishing Veda Patasalas all over India.There are many in Tamil Nadu, one in Kanataka and another one in the north. You can see almost all those vidyarthees,
giving a public demonstration of what they have learnt. You must really see their enthusiasm. That is waht the reward,our Ashramam gets by the vision of H.H.
Another interesting public particpation is a group ladies and gents reciting Swamy Desikan's Paduka Sahasram. This is three day programme of 2 hours each morning starting from today. I could see that over 100 participants were there and all of them want to be active particpants in this celebrations I could see some eminent persons like Sri Sundapalayam Vasudevan and Sri R Kannan (of Halls Road fame)  , who is regular contributor in most of Desika Sampradaya magazines.
Our Ashramam has arranged to direct web casting of the Tirunakshatra celebrations to be held on 4th June, 2011. The timing will be from 7 AM to 12 Noon. The web address is Those who could not be present personally, may watch through web cast. Please make sure to give your feedback to us at, for us to know the effectiveness of such an effort taken by our Ashramam.
Another piece of information. Please subscribe to our Ashramam's monthly Magazine SRi Ranganatha Paduka, which will all Ashramam informations as well as very useful articles written by eminent vidwans. In case that you will not be able to read Tamil, we are giving you an option to get the same translated into English, which is available for subscription in e edition only. For subscriptions details, please click the link given in, our official web site
Our .AShramam also has a discussion group with At presnt there are nearly 1200 members, who are having periodical updates on news from Ashramam. To enrol at free of cost, please visit our web site,
R Srinivasan

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