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Monday, June 27, 2011

The SamprokshaNa Patrikai

The SamprokshaNa Patrikai for the Pancha Brundhaavanams at Sri Nrsimhapuram for the five Azhagiya Singars is attached .
The exact date for the samprOkshaNam is July 10 . Sri Nrsimhapuram is between the two dhivyadesams of AthanUr and
PullambhUtangudi . Please visit the dhivya desams and the sacred BrundhAvanams , which are PrArthanA sthalams .
Very close by are the dhivya dEsams of Thirukkudantai and Oppiliappan Sannidhi .
Please visit the SamprokshaNam and receive the PoorNAhUti prasAdham .

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